Sunday, January 13, 2013

Goals for 2013

I was able to meet some of my goals from last year.    We went over and above on my emergency fund!  I was able to start paying $50 a month extra on my house payment--Yippee--the sooner we pay off our house the sooner I can retire! I wanted to learn how to Pressure Can and I did!  Just got a new canner that I love! Dehydrating more food was a goal that I did accomplish!  However, I failed dramatically on my goal to reduce my HA1C( Blood Sugar level). It went from a 10.7 to a 12.5.  Can you say EPIC FAIL? What can I say, depression happened.  I also failed to learn how to make French Bread. Just never got around to it.
  So here are my Goals for 2013:
  1. Get my Blood Sugar under control. Must reduce my Ha1C. Will be getting bloodwork in February so hopefully I will be able to see progress by then.
  2. Learn to make French Bread in February.
  3. Spend no more than $50 per week in groceries.  This is going to be tough but I want to do it.  Less processed foods, more whole foods, and hoping for a prolific garden this year!
  4. Pay $100+ extra a month  on our house payment.  Remember the sooner it is paid off the sooner I get to retire.  That is my new mantra!!
  5. Make mozzarella cheese. I have wanted to try this for a good while but I am going to do it this year--hopefully in March!
  6. Start making Christmas gifts.  I am so tired of the commercialism of Christmas that I want to have a "Homemade Christmas" this year.  This will save a bundle and be so much more meaningful.
  7. Save all of my cake money for Christmas groceries. I go overboard around Christmas time when it comes to food and I spend a mint. So maybe if I save my cake money for this, I won't blow my $50 food budget goal during the holidays.
  8. Redecorate my bedroom.  It is a hot mess!  I have chosen a neutral palette--Whites, creams, with a touch of chocolate here and there.  I think it will be so restfull!
Well,  there you have it!  My new goals for the year 2013!  Wish me luck!

Blessings for a happy and productive 2013,

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