Sunday, March 9, 2014

To Do List and Update

To Do list for last week:
  1. Make French Bread--didn't happen I must get this started
  2. Make a batch of soap--I made 3 batches!!  French Vanilla, Lavender, and Rosemary Mint!
  3. Cut soap and let cure--Done!
  4. Write and photograph 2 recipe posts--I wrote more than 2 posts-just not on recipes!
  5. Comment on 5 blogs--commented on 3
  6. Link up to 10 Blog Hops--Done
  7. Write 3 posts for Around Alexandria--Done
  8. Order business cards For AA-didn't happen
  9. Survive the ice and snow storm!  Done--barely!
So here is my To Do list for this week:
  1. Make French Bread
  2. Make 1 batch of soap
  3. Cut and cure soap
  4. Write and photograph 2 recipe posts
  5. Comment on 5 blogs
  6. Link up to 10 blog hops
  7. Order AA business cards
  8. Take pics for AA
  9. Buy 2 bags of composted manure for raised bed garden
   I am so stoked to have made 3 batches of soap last week!  I am ahead of schedule but I have many more batches to make before getting my soap business off of the ground!  Wish me luck!  It has to cure for 3-4 weeks before I'll be able to list it for sale.  Did I tell you I am  excited!  Although I have not been getting all of the things on my list done each week, I am making so much more progress than I would have without it!
What have you been up to lately?
Accomplished Blessings,


  1. Great site! Hi Lisa, do you have an email address I can contact you on? Thanks and have a great day!
