Hello all,
I hope this post finds everyone well and happy today! In the past I have very proudly showed off pics of my pantry stash full of goodies I have picked up cheaply on sale or using coupons.
See what I mean! LOOK AT ALL OF THAT PROCESSED FOOD! Lots of processed food products. Lots of additives and chemicals.
I guess some (processed) food is better than none! But I wanted to help my family start to eat better. So I started to can some jams and jellies. I was hooked on canning. Then I got a dehydrator and loved using that. Now I have gotten my own pressure canner and I am loving it!! I have been processing my own food-sans the additives and chemicals.
So, here is a pic of my pantry now.
Can you see the difference? I know, I know, there are still some processed foods but there are many more home canned items on my shelves! Yippe for me!! I absolutely love canning my own food. I have canned dried beans, beef stew, jams and jellies, green beans and potatoes. I cannot wait to can more! Soups, broth, and canned meats are in my future!
What have you canned for your pantry lately?
Home canned blessings to you all,