Friday, February 8, 2019

Pantry Stash Additions

Part of my Pantry Stash 

  This week I shopped the loss leaders at Kroger and used the digital coupons as well. I  was able to add the following to my Pantry Stash:  6lb. of angel hair pasta, and 6lb. of macaroni (49 cents a box), 5 boxes of stuffing mix (49 cents per box), 5 jars of gravy (88 cents per jar), and 1 jar of Kroger peanut butter for FREE!   To My first aid stash I added a box of band aids.  Remember your household items (cleaners, Soap, shampoo, TP, etc.) and first aid items are part of your pantry stash as well as food Items.  

  I feel like I added quite a bit to my pantry this week! One step closer to meeting my goal of a 6 months supply of food and household items!  What have you done to increase your stash?

Prepared Blessings,


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