Monday, August 15, 2016

Last Week's Frugality


 I know it has been a while since my last post, but life happens and so does depression!  I have been trying to pick myself up by my bootstraps and try and get my life in order.  It's been an uphill battle but I see progress.  The last few weeks have been very rough financially.  Our car broke down and we received a whopper of a water bill!  We had a leaky toilet. It is fixed now but our bill was over $300 for a 3 month period.  So we have been strapped and will continue to be but we are working through it together!  It is so nice to have my DH help brainstorm our budget and how to increase our income.
So here's what we have been up to!

  I reused my water cup 3 days at work.  Saved 32 cents!!!!!

Made cupcakes with what I had in pantry instead of buying them for work food day. Saved 4.00!

Ate supper at home  each night.  Used pantry stores for most meals ( Rice, beans, jam, etc)

Set up a new budget for the coming months.
DH also saved 2 liter bottles to store water in. Big step for him.  I asked  him to be in charge of emergency water storage and he ran with it!  Go Tom!!
We were  given tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and cukes—ate for supper and lunch.  Thanks Charles and Sandie!

Turned off a/c in living room and dining room at night. We have 3 window units and have been trying to save on the electric bill.  It has been miserably hot but we are trying!

Had leftovers for supper one night.
My cousin Brian towed our car and fixed it for us. That saved us over $100 I'm sure. We gave him and his wife a GC for a dinner out to thank him. Thanks so much Brian and Christina!!

Used Kroger points to save $.50 cents per gallon on gas.

Used $5 Meijer rewards to buy chicken and fruit for the week.

Found 2 quarts of milk for $.35 per quart at Meijer.

Only spent $.27 at the goodwill for a small lace doily.

Returned an item to Wal-Mart that we were not able to use—was able to buy my cake boxes with it!

Got an order for 36 cupcakes!!  Thank you Amanda!!!
   Seems like when we think we don’t have enough to make it to next payday, the lord blesses us with enough!  Thank you God for working through others to provide the car repairs, the produce, and the cake order. They helped get us through!!  Life is good!!  I wish each of you Enough!
Feeling Blessed in Alexandria,







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