This week at Walgreen's, I used a coupon on the Dawn dish soap and got it for 74 cents. The All clothes detergent was on sale for $2.88 and using a coupon for $1.00 off , I got it for $1.88. I wanted to purchase the olives in the ad but they didn't have them. So for $2.62 plus tax, I was able to add a bottle of Dawn and a jug of ALL to my pantry stash! Not big quantities, but when you get your stash built up, small additions bought at rock bottom prices will help keep it stocked!
Frugal Blessings,
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Thankful Thursday
Today I am so very thankful for still having my Mother in my life!
She lives with us and while that can be difficult sometimes, I love her to death! She has not had an easy life-Losing parents, 2 husbands, ten brothers and sisters, and a son. Having to rear 3 children on her own had to have been so very tough but she never complained, or felt sorry for herself because of it.
She was my rock who taught me, by her example, to believe I can do anything I set my mind to. My Mother can sew, quilt, can, mix and pour concrete sidewalks, garden, fix minor repairs around the house and anything else she cares to do! She is truly a Jack of all Trades and master of most! While she isn't able to do most of those things now, with her failing health, I still see that Can Do attitudes at times!
So today I am so thankful for My Momma! She is the best!
Thankful Blessings,
Monday, February 25, 2019
Last Week's Frugality
I hope this post finds you all well!
Last week I felt like I was back in the coupon groove! I used coupons at Walgreen's to get dish soap for $.49 and a bottle of clothes detergent for $1.49. Also saved $4 on two sticks of deodorant.
I used a $5 off coupon at Big Lots to get a free canned ham and a free can of chicken breast to add to my pantry.
My DH is addicted to soda.Thank goodness he likes the Big K cola from Kroger. It was on sale for $1.99 per 12 pack so we stocked up on them. Bought 6. He will make do for a long while on that!
I was able to get 4 Mayo, and a case of water cheap using the buy 5 save 5 sale at Kroger.
Used 2 more coupons to get $4 off of 2 more deodorant sticks! Used a coupon for deodorant for my DH as well. At least we won't stink! Lol!!
Was able to purchase 24 cans of ravioli for just $12!! Nice addition to my pantry stash especially since I love ravioli.....right out of the can......cold! Lol! It is true!!! Don't judge me!!!
I packed my lunch all 5 days! Go Me!!
Our Goodwill trip was very productive! I found a very nice sweater set for $4.99. I found a pair of dress pants to match for $4.99. Also found 2 shirts for just $1.79 each. Score for me!!
It has been warm enough to only use the electric heater in our room when we get out of the shower. We have just been using an extra blanket at night!
Well,that's about all for me and mine, what have you saved money on?
Frugal Blessings,
I hope this post finds you all well!
Last week I felt like I was back in the coupon groove! I used coupons at Walgreen's to get dish soap for $.49 and a bottle of clothes detergent for $1.49. Also saved $4 on two sticks of deodorant.
I used a $5 off coupon at Big Lots to get a free canned ham and a free can of chicken breast to add to my pantry.
My DH is addicted to soda.Thank goodness he likes the Big K cola from Kroger. It was on sale for $1.99 per 12 pack so we stocked up on them. Bought 6. He will make do for a long while on that!
I was able to get 4 Mayo, and a case of water cheap using the buy 5 save 5 sale at Kroger.
Used 2 more coupons to get $4 off of 2 more deodorant sticks! Used a coupon for deodorant for my DH as well. At least we won't stink! Lol!!
Was able to purchase 24 cans of ravioli for just $12!! Nice addition to my pantry stash especially since I love ravioli.....right out of the can......cold! Lol! It is true!!! Don't judge me!!!
I packed my lunch all 5 days! Go Me!!
Our Goodwill trip was very productive! I found a very nice sweater set for $4.99. I found a pair of dress pants to match for $4.99. Also found 2 shirts for just $1.79 each. Score for me!!
It has been warm enough to only use the electric heater in our room when we get out of the shower. We have just been using an extra blanket at night!
Well,that's about all for me and mine, what have you saved money on?
Frugal Blessings,
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Walgreen's Goodies!
Yesterday at Walgreen's I took advantage of the coupons and sales to get a bottle of Palmolive Dish soap for $.49, and a jug of Purex laundry detergent for $1.49. I used 2 $2 coupons for Almay deodorant bringing it down to $1.79 each. I also took advantage of the Kroger honey bear they had on sale for $2.99. All in all, I saved $11.10 on my shopping trip! I know I cannot get great quantities of stuff from Walgreen's, but I can get things pretty cheaply if I set my mind to it! Feels so good getting back in the couponing groove!
Frugal Blessings,
Yesterday at Walgreen's I took advantage of the coupons and sales to get a bottle of Palmolive Dish soap for $.49, and a jug of Purex laundry detergent for $1.49. I used 2 $2 coupons for Almay deodorant bringing it down to $1.79 each. I also took advantage of the Kroger honey bear they had on sale for $2.99. All in all, I saved $11.10 on my shopping trip! I know I cannot get great quantities of stuff from Walgreen's, but I can get things pretty cheaply if I set my mind to it! Feels so good getting back in the couponing groove!
Frugal Blessings,
Friday, February 22, 2019
Goal Progress
Hello Readers!
I hope this writing finds you well. Several posts ago I told you about my goals for the year. Here is my first progress report:
My Goals
Goal 1: Build up a 6 month supply of food and household items in my pantry stash
Since making my goals, I have added 4 cans of chicken breast meat, 2 boneless hams cut into 4 pieces and frozen, 12 Bars of Ivory Soap, a bottle of shampoo(makes 10 in total), a case of TP, 12 cans of green beans, 12 cans of creamed corn, 12 cans of corn, 6 large cans of soup, 6 small cans of soup, and 3 jars of mayo. In addition to the food I already had in my stash I have about 3 months worth of food stocked up! Just need to double it and to find more storage space!
Goal 2: Save at least $2000 this year
I have started a direct deposit of $200 per month going into savings so I have $200 in the account so far! I hope to exceed my goal by the end of the year!
Goal 3: To help others in need this Christmas
I am behind on this one. Need to start stashing away gift cards to give away at Christmas time. Last Christmas we found ourselves in a jam with my cancer returning and my surgery to remove it. We received so much from so many people that we want to pay it forward this year!
Goal 4: Monthly date nights with Hubby!
We planned on going out for Valentines day but ended up inviting our Mothers to go with us! Still need a date together though!
Goal 5: Take better care of myself both mentally and physically.
I have had 2 girls nights out in the last month and plan on one per month! I am making a special effort to take all of my meds daily and my insulin as well.
For some reason I stopped my vitamin D so I have started taking that again!
Well what do you think? I have made some progress but need to be 100% in order to meet my goals for the year! What have you done to meet your goals?
Intentional Blessings,
I hope this writing finds you well. Several posts ago I told you about my goals for the year. Here is my first progress report:
My Goals
Goal 1: Build up a 6 month supply of food and household items in my pantry stash
Since making my goals, I have added 4 cans of chicken breast meat, 2 boneless hams cut into 4 pieces and frozen, 12 Bars of Ivory Soap, a bottle of shampoo(makes 10 in total), a case of TP, 12 cans of green beans, 12 cans of creamed corn, 12 cans of corn, 6 large cans of soup, 6 small cans of soup, and 3 jars of mayo. In addition to the food I already had in my stash I have about 3 months worth of food stocked up! Just need to double it and to find more storage space!
Goal 2: Save at least $2000 this year
I have started a direct deposit of $200 per month going into savings so I have $200 in the account so far! I hope to exceed my goal by the end of the year!
Goal 3: To help others in need this Christmas
I am behind on this one. Need to start stashing away gift cards to give away at Christmas time. Last Christmas we found ourselves in a jam with my cancer returning and my surgery to remove it. We received so much from so many people that we want to pay it forward this year!
Goal 4: Monthly date nights with Hubby!
We planned on going out for Valentines day but ended up inviting our Mothers to go with us! Still need a date together though!
Goal 5: Take better care of myself both mentally and physically.
I have had 2 girls nights out in the last month and plan on one per month! I am making a special effort to take all of my meds daily and my insulin as well.
For some reason I stopped my vitamin D so I have started taking that again!
Well what do you think? I have made some progress but need to be 100% in order to meet my goals for the year! What have you done to meet your goals?
Intentional Blessings,
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Thankful Thursday
This week I am so very thankful for my job. While it has it's ups and downs, I am
blessed to have the income! I came close to losing it in January after I had surgery--If I would have had to have had chemo I would have lost it because of being off longer than FMLA permits. When I got the call from my oncologist saying that I didn't need chemo right away, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders--I could go back to work!! As each day presents it's hardships at work, I try to focus on the feeling of gratitude that I felt after that call from my Dr. back in January. I try to remember that working is the best thing for my family even though it takes everything I have to keep at it some days.
I am so very grateful for the paycheck that is enabling me to build up my pantry stash(6 months of food and supplies) and bank account so my family is in a better place when/if the cancer comes back! Sooooo..... Thank you Lord for my job!
Thankful Blessings,
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Monday, February 18, 2019
Last Week's Frugality
Hello Dear Readers!
Hope this writing finds you well. So Let's get right into it!
I packed my lunch 3out of 4 days last week. I missed a day and a half of work due to a raging cold that I still have despite a trip to urgent care and 3 prescriptions later.
We saved $.80 per gallon on gas using our Kroger points. That was almost a $8.00 savings!
I used coupons to get my clothes detergent $1 cheaper per bottle--$4.00 savings!
I found spaghetti sauce for just $.82 per can and added 6 to my pantry. Combined with my $.49 per lb. spaghetti, this will be a super cheap meal! This will be my go to price for spaghetti sauce from now on! I found the Del Monte sauce at Wal-Mart.
My DH was out of coffee so when Meijer had it on sale buy one get one for a dollar, we stocked up on 4 canisters! Saved over $10!
I found several green and yellow peppers in the reduced bin at Meijer. Saved about $2 on the 5 peppers! The peppers will make an awesome Unstuffed Pepper Casserole!(recipe coming soon!) My family LOVES it!
I purchased two more cans of the chicken breast from Big Lots to add to my pantry stash. I am getting close to having about 3 months worth of food and household supplies. I am about half way to my goal of 6 months worth of pantry stash! Go Me!!
Now I just need to figure out where to put it!
We switched from fi-optics to spectrum cable for our phone cable, and internet needs in order to save $40 per month. Well, the internet connection has not been very reliable( I am being very nice about this) so my DH(who just has to have cable) called and has gotten our bill adjusted because of the crappy internet service . Have saved $13 so far!
Well, that's about all from my house-What have you been saving on this week?
Frugal Blessings,
Hope this writing finds you well. So Let's get right into it!
I packed my lunch 3out of 4 days last week. I missed a day and a half of work due to a raging cold that I still have despite a trip to urgent care and 3 prescriptions later.
We saved $.80 per gallon on gas using our Kroger points. That was almost a $8.00 savings!
I used coupons to get my clothes detergent $1 cheaper per bottle--$4.00 savings!
I found spaghetti sauce for just $.82 per can and added 6 to my pantry. Combined with my $.49 per lb. spaghetti, this will be a super cheap meal! This will be my go to price for spaghetti sauce from now on! I found the Del Monte sauce at Wal-Mart.
My DH was out of coffee so when Meijer had it on sale buy one get one for a dollar, we stocked up on 4 canisters! Saved over $10!
I found several green and yellow peppers in the reduced bin at Meijer. Saved about $2 on the 5 peppers! The peppers will make an awesome Unstuffed Pepper Casserole!(recipe coming soon!) My family LOVES it!
I purchased two more cans of the chicken breast from Big Lots to add to my pantry stash. I am getting close to having about 3 months worth of food and household supplies. I am about half way to my goal of 6 months worth of pantry stash! Go Me!!
Now I just need to figure out where to put it!
We switched from fi-optics to spectrum cable for our phone cable, and internet needs in order to save $40 per month. Well, the internet connection has not been very reliable( I am being very nice about this) so my DH(who just has to have cable) called and has gotten our bill adjusted because of the crappy internet service . Have saved $13 so far!
Well, that's about all from my house-What have you been saving on this week?
Frugal Blessings,
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Last Week's Frugality
Last week wasn't as frugal as I would have liked! We had an 80th birthday party for my Mother so it was a little expensive. Lots of leftovers-which we are eating on this week! Cannot let them go to waste!
I packed my lunch all five days last week. It is too convenient to charge lunch on my name badge for payroll deduction. It makes the fact that I packed all the better!
I used digital coupons at Kroger and saved almost $50 on my last order! They really add up and lots are for things I have purchased in the past--some are tailored to each customer!
Frugal Blessings,
I packed my lunch all five days last week. It is too convenient to charge lunch on my name badge for payroll deduction. It makes the fact that I packed all the better!

I mended a night gown that was ripped. This is my favorite nighty that I have had for years and years! I'll wear it until it wears out!
I shop at Big Lots and have found that their off brand of canned chicken breast meat is just $1.74 per can as opposed to Swanson's that is $2.75. I added 2 cans to my pantry. This makes 10 cans total in my stash--remember my goal of 6 months of food stocked.
My cousin gave us a mess of turnips! Not my favorite but free is great--thanks Charles!
I bought 2 more whole boneless hams for 99 cents per lb. I cut them in 4 equal pieces and froze them. A quarter ham will feed our family of four very well for less than $3 for the meat for a meal. You can slice and fry or bake it-yummy!
That's about it for my family last week. How have you and yours saved money? I would love to hear about your saving ways!
Frugal Blessings,
Friday, February 8, 2019
Pantry Stash Additions
This week I shopped the loss leaders at Kroger and used the digital coupons as well. I was able to add the following to my Pantry Stash: 6lb. of angel hair pasta, and 6lb. of macaroni (49 cents a box), 5 boxes of stuffing mix (49 cents per box), 5 jars of gravy (88 cents per jar), and 1 jar of Kroger peanut butter for FREE! To My first aid stash I added a box of band aids. Remember your household items (cleaners, Soap, shampoo, TP, etc.) and first aid items are part of your pantry stash as well as food Items.
I feel like I added quite a bit to my pantry this week! One step closer to meeting my goal of a 6 months supply of food and household items! What have you done to increase your stash?
Prepared Blessings,
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Where I have been and new Goals!
Winter Sky |
Wow, it has been quite a while since I posted last! I guess the big news is that my stage 4 colon cancer reared its ugly head again. It was found on a scan I had in mid October of last year and boy was I gobsmacked by the news! I knew the cancer would probably come back, but really didn't expect it to come back within the first year and a half. Sooooooo......I had to have surgery to resect the tumor in my abdominal wall and then when they got in there they found two or three more spots on my small intestine and omentum(fatty covering of the colon). So the tumor was removed, small intestine was resected two times, and the omentum was removed during a 6+ hour surgery. It was rough recovering from the lengthy surgery but I finally made it! Lol!!
I was able to go back to work in mid January and am feeling good now!So look for more posts from yours truly in the future! I am getting back in the groove!!
I have new goals I am working on--the cancer caught us in a rough spot financially and I am determined to improve our circumstances so when/if the cancer comes back, we won't have so many financial worries. I will be as prepared as I possibly can be both mentally and financially! I AM DETERMINED!!!
My goals are:
1. To have a 6 month supply of food and household needs in my Pantry stash by December 2019
2. To save $2000 by the end of 2019
3. To help others in need next Christmas( As we were helped last
Christmas-God really showed his handiwork through others!)
4. To go on a date night with my DH once a month
5. To take better care of myself both mentally and physically
I hope you will follow my progress on the above goals and help hold me accountable for meeting all of them!
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